Thursday, July 28, 2016

BW Cypress Swamp shots taken from 6-27-16 to 7-27-16 during my time walking deep into the Swamps near the Narture Coast of Florida .

1 comment:

  1. I shot these locations while exploring deeper into this swamp which is 20 miles deep. Each area has so many possibilities it's difficult to go deeper without exploring light at specific times of the day. Then log it in the peanut sitting on my shoulders for later projects. These BW shots were no more than 1 or 2 miles into this cypress swamp. And I haven't even gotten close to the spot I want to seen on Goggle Earth. My destination is right in the middle of an area that spans 5 miles thick with cypress. It's a small pond and more than likely a gator hole. I hope so. Nothing better than getting to shoot the wildlife. In Florida you always assume gators are in any body of water. Not rocket science in this state. Most of these spots I've decided to shoot are soft lite with the western sun. I've return to some of these locations many times. I hope my eye is capturing images that light up the creative zones for everyone. For those who are reptile sensitive, I've seen every kind of poisonous snake right near my home. And only one non-poisonous seen after 2 years in this swamp. It points to snakes hanging out where humans live. They get there favorite meal.....rodents!
